Taking a closer look at the Stockholm 09-141 cable, we find that the United States was the driving force behind the IPRED legislation, that it was the driving force behind threats to Swedish ISPs in 2008, and that it is currently the driving force behind the so-called “step two of the data retention”, which was presented by the Justice Minister last Thursday. This legislation will give police at-will access to all and any collected records under Data Retention in the proposed Police Methods Report (polismetodutredningen, PMU). Ordinarily, prison sentences of more than two years would have been required to collect IP addresses, but the PMU changes this before the Data Retention is even in place.
The objective is laid out in clear text: to combat file sharing, ordinary people sharing culture with one another. See paragraph nine, my highlights:
9. (U) Granting police and prosecutors the right to identities behind IP numbers of individuals potentially implicated in copyright crimes of lower dignity, i.e. fines rather than prison sentences: … The GOS [Government of Sweden] has agreed to change the legislation.
The United States Government is driving the creation of a Big Brother state in Sweden, including draconian data retention measures, in order to have it combat simple and everyday petty copyright infringements on behalf of American interests.
This is so foul-smelling and disgusting that I frankly don’t know where to start.
Let’s look at the cable Stockholm 09-141 again, a bit more nicely formatted. There’s plenty more here: among others, that the US Embassy has taken an active interest in working behind the scenes during the Pirate Bay trial.
194710 3/2/2009 13:57 09STOCKHOLM141 Embassy Stockholm UNCLASSIFIED//FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 08STATE45106|09STATE8410 VZCZCXRO6778OO RUEHAG RUEHAST RUEHDA RUEHDBU RUEHDF RUEHFL RUEHIK RUEHKW RUEHLARUEHLN RUEHLZ RUEHNP RUEHPOD RUEHROV RUEHSK RUEHSR RUEHVK RUEHYG DE RUEHSM #0141/01 0611357 ZNR UUUUU ZZH O 021357Z MAR 09FM AM EMBASSY STOCKHOLM TO RUEHC/SECSTATE WASHDC IMMEDIATE 4176 INFO RUEHZL/EUROPEAN POLITICAL COLLECTIVE UNCLAS SECTION 01 OF 03 STOCKHOLM 000141 STATE FOR EEB/TPP/IPE:TIMOTHY R MCGOWAN STATE PLEASE PASS TO USTR FOR JENNIFER CHOE GROVES SENSITIVE SIPDIS E.O. 12958: N/A TAGS: KIPR, ECON, ETRD, PGOV, SW SUBJECT: SPECIAL 301 FOR SWEDEN: POST RECOMMENDATION REF: A) STATE 8410 B) 08 STATE 45106 1. (SBU) Summary. Embassy Stockholm recommends that Sweden continues to be placed in the Special 301 Initiative, and not be on the Watch List for 2009. We are aware of the differing recommendations of the International Intellectual Property Alliance (IIPA) and PhRMA. Post recommendation is based on: -- The progress made by the Government of Sweden (GOS) in five out of the six items identified in the Special 301 Initiative Action plan we communicated to the GOS last year and -- The sensitive domestic politics that the GOS needs to manage in order to step up internet piracy enforcement in Sweden. The GOS struggles, with good intentions, against a very negative media climate and against a vocal youth movement. For example, we want to highlight the risk that negative media attention on the file sharing issue gives the Pirate Party a boost in the EU Parliamentary elections in June 2009. 2. (SBU) This cable reviews the progress Sweden has made on the Special 301 Initiative Action plan which we presented to the GOS at the conclusion of the Special 301 review 2008 (Ref B). Post continues to engage very constructively with the GOS, and has good access and a good working relationship with key senior and working level GOS officials. The actions taken since last year's review strengthen the legislative framework and provide better enforcement tools for combating piracy. The Pirate Bay trial is currently being heard in the district court in Stockholm. The last day of the trial is March 4, and the verdict can be expected on or about March 25. 3. (SBU) Embassy Stockholm believes it would be counter- productive to watch list Sweden at this point. Likely negative political and media reaction to a watch listing must be taken into account. The Justice Ministry, with primary responsibility for this issue, is fully on board and well aware of what is at stake. It is currently battling with the Ministry of Enterprise, Energy, and Communication about the next appropriate steps to curb internet piracy. Now that the Enforcement Directive implementation will finally enter into force on April 1, and there will soon be a first District court decision in the Pirate Bay case -- the Justice Ministry will turn its attention to other key issues, primarily the ISP liability issue and extra resources to investigative capabilities. The GOS (led by the Justice Ministry) has to conduct a delicate balancing act, advancing this issue shortly before Sweden assumes the Presidency of the EU, in the early days of the Obama administration, and in the budding election campaign for the EU Parliamentary elections. End summary. Background. ------------------------ 4. (U) The International Intellectual Property Alliance (IIPA) has, in its yearly Special 301 submission to USTR, identified widespread internet piracy and difficulties in achieving effective enforcement against criminal copyright infringement as problems in Sweden, and has requested that Sweden be placed on the Special 301 Watch List for 2009. Sweden was not placed on the Watch list in 2008, despite industry's demands, but was rather placed in the relatively recent, middle step, named Special 301 Initiative. As part of the Initiative, post conveyed a Special 301 Action plan to the GOS, covering six items where the USG hoped to see progress during 2008. Review of progress on action plan --------------------------------- 5. (U) The Special 301 Initiative Action plan 2008 contained recommendations in six specific areas. The GOS has acted, in various degrees, in five of those areas. A review of progress in the six areas follows in paras 6-11: 6. (SBU) Industry consultations/ISP liability: The GOS held a series of industry consultations in the summer/fall of 2008, with the explicit aim to discuss a voluntary industry agreement involving ISPs and right-holders organizations. Industry contacts reported that the ISP's were not willing (they claim they are not able) to take on any action on a voluntary basis. The first round of consultations was concluded without results during the fall of 2008. The Justice Ministry is currently working internally in the GOS to get acceptance for a second round with a clear incentive for progress, i.e. threatening with legislation in the absence of a voluntary agreement. There is some resistance in the Center party led Ministry of Enterprise, Energy, and Communications, and negotiations are on-going at senior GOS-levels. 7. (U) Injunctive relief: The one item without any progress is STOCKHOLM 00000141 002 OF 003 Action plan item 2, Injunctive relief. The GOS maintains that there are adequate provisions currently on the books in Sweden, and does not intend to introduce new legislation. (Note that industry claims to the contrary were supported by the recommendations of the Renfors Commission, a government study commissioned to look into the file sharing issue. The GOS has declared that it will not further implement Renfors' recommendations. End note.) 8. (U) Implementation of the Enforcement Directive: The bill was approved by Parliament on February 25, and the new provisions will enter into force on April 1, 2009. The political sensitivities made the final handling of the Bill very delicate for the Alliance government. Much of the debate and negotiations have been done in public, and there has been tremendous pressure put on individual MPs. The passage of the implementing legislation is therefore a much greater victory for the GOS than it might appear. Major changes, compared to the original proposal, are: -- the law will not be retroactive, i.e. only for copyright infringements committed after the law has entered into force can a court order that the identity behind an IP-number be handed out. -- The court will make a proportionality assessment, i.e. weigh the need of the rights-holder to get access to the personal identity against integrity aspects of the person behind the IP number. The law now stipulates that a certain scale of infringement will be needed for the court to decide that the information should be handed out. Normally, that would be the case when the infringement consists of up- loading a single film or musical piece -- since that typically incurs significant damage to the rights-holder. The same judgment will be made for a significant scale of down-loading copyright protected material. The law establishes that if the infringement is the down-loading of only a few pieces, then normally the court's assessment should be that the integrity interest must take precedence and the information must not be handed out. -- The law includes provisions that the GOS intends to observe and assess how the law is used, to ensure that the law is indeed used to go after significant cases of copyright infringements. This monitoring will commence immediately once the law has entered into force. 9. (U) Granting police and prosecutors the right to identities behind IP numbers of individuals potentially implicated in copyright crimes of lower dignity, i.e. fines rather than prison sentences: The Justice Ministry has also worked towards the goal of changing legislation so that police and prosecutors can get access to information about identities behind IP numbers in cases where the crime could lead to a fine (rather than a prison sentence). The usual Swedish term for this type of crime (punishable by fine, not prison) is crime of lower dignity. At present, law enforcement officials are only allowed to get such information if the infringement could lead to a prison sentence. The GOS has agreed to change the legislation, and it was made part of a study commissioned to propose the steps needed to implement such a change. The proposed changes were recently separated out from the rest of the study, and were reported in advance to Justice Minister Ask late January 2009. Although the slow legislative process is disappointing, the GOS has already agreed on the necessary changes that will strengthen the investigative tools of enforcement officials. 10. (SBU) Police and prosecutors: There are now two full-time prosecutors dedicated to IPR/copyright issues. Police officers have been trained, but we understand that they are not allowed to devote attention to IPR/copyright issues. They are back in their regular line of duty in their districts, where there are conflicting priorities. We have understood that the prosecutors have alerted that this is a problem for their work - they are stuck with a backlog of old errands and without the support of investigative officers. The prosecutors ask for investigative officers that are exclusively devoted to IPR issues, today there are no such investigative capacities. The Justice Ministry has repeatedly asked the Head of the Swedish Police for information about how he plans to come to terms with the investigation deficiencies. Although the GOS recognizes the needs, the budget bill for next year will likely not contain significant increases for law enforcement, given the harsh economic conditions. This is an area where post can work with the GOS and industry to highlight the significant impact additional resources in this area might have. 11. (SBU) Public education: In the fall of 2008, the GOS released a new information material, primarily aimed for youth, which will be broadly distributed in Swedish schools. Justice Minister Ask's staffers are currently considering the pros and cons of engaging Cabinet members in the public debate. Given all the negative attention around the Enforcement directive and the Pirate Bay trial, the determination thus far has been to keep a low profile. The GOS recognizes that there is a real risk that the window of opportunity was lost already several years ago -- when leading politicians didn't take the debate. How to engage at this point is a delicate matter. Pirate Bay ---------- 12. (U) After the raid on Pirate Bay on May 31, 2006, the issue of internet piracy was fiercely debated in Sweden. Press coverage was largely, and still is, unfavorable to the positions taken by rights-holders and the USG. The Pirate Bay raid was portrayed as the GOS caving to USG pressure. The delicate situation made it difficult, if not counter- productive, for the Embassy to play a public role on IPR issues. Behind the scenes, the Embassy has worked well with all stakeholders. After 18 months of investigation, the prosecutor filed indictments against four individuals for contribution to copyright infringement because of their activities administrating the Pirate Bay bit torrent webpage. The case is currently being heard in the district court in Stockholm, and the trial is scheduled to be completed on March 4. The sentence is expected on or about March 25, i.e. before the conclusion of the Special 301 review process. However, we fully expect that any outcome will be appealed to a higher court, which means that the final verdict will not be known for several years. PhRMA's drug pricing issue -------------------------- 13. (U) PhRMA has also requested that Sweden be put on the Special 301 Watch List. The request is based on the GOS decision to de-regulate the pharmacy market in Sweden and the alleged plans to reduce prices of patented pharmaceuticals on the Swedish market with the aim to finance the redesign. The price cut is believed to be as high as 10 percent. 14. (U) According to the Swedish Ministry of Health and Social Affairs, the GOS does not plan to impose a general price cut on patented pharmaceuticals, but rather has the intention of maintaining a model for a value based pricing system. TLV, the Dental and Pharmaceutical Benefits Agency, a central government agency, has been assigned to suggest principles for pharmacy mark-up and to suggest how the profitability in the pharmacy market will be assessed and followed up. TLV will present its proposals to the GOS on April 1 this year. 15. (U) As of March 2 there is no decision, nor anything in writing, that confirms that the GOS is actually proposing a 10 percent general price cut on patented pharmaceuticals. Therefore the Embassy does not recommend that Sweden be put on the 2009 Special 301 Watch List as concerns the de-regulation of the Swedish pharmacies. However, should the GOS as a result of the April 1 TLV report reach a decision to impose a general 10 percent price cut on patented pharmaceuticals, the Embassy will engage in high-level advocacy with the GOS on the issue again.
Jag tycker att du skall ägna en egen bloggpost åt det sista “PhRMA’s drug pricing issue” hur USA pressar våra politiker att hålla priser för medician på en högre nivå än nödvändigt.
Detta är faktiskt en betydligt större nyhet, med långt större allmänintresse än resten. Hoppas bara att media inte anser att du punkterar nyheten och därmed ignorerar den.
Ja, jag noterade det som intressant och tänkte återkomma till det. Media pratar inte om patent, så det finns ingen nyhet att punktera i sammanhanget, särskilt inte under juletider.
Lägg inte upp det som en patentfråga, lägg focus på hur de förväntar sig svenska politiker som marionetter. Detta är det mest upprörande sett ur massans perspektiv, nu snackar vi inte datornördar längre, utan även svensson o johansson som i många fall inte ens äger en dator. Nämn bara patentbiten som ett faktum i en bisats. På det viset påverkar du det omedvetna bättre.
Mer, å framförallt. Priset på medicin! Det rör direkt i folks egna plånböcke, åldringsvård, farmors surt förvärvade pension osv.. It hits close to home, hos massan, inte direkt PPs medlemmar.
Svenska politiker verkar löjligt skotträdda över att bli uppsatta på “301 watch list”. Massor av stora EU-länder har kraftigt pressat priset på läkemedel på liknande sätt.
Vad denna Cable också visar är hur lobbyister för organiserade särintressen mer eller mindre direkt ger order till USA:s regering om hur de ska föra politiken. I detta fall Big Pharma (PhRMA =
Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America)
They gonna ignore this news because swedish government obeys the master and the master has to be satisfied
Nu behöver man inte längre fundera över varför nästan alla företrädare för M, Fp, C,Kd och S knep käft om personlig integritet och privatliv i den senaste valrörelsen.
“Behind the scenes, the Embassy has worked well with all stakeholders.”
Här har vi beviset på att de talat med Bodström.
Tyvärr är/var massan naiv och blind nog att ta vad dom högt uppsatta politikerna säger för att vara sanning.
Intressant dock att dom även vill förändra modellen på hur medicinen sköts, dock är även det föga förvånande.
[…] de diplomatrapporter från den amerikanska ambassaden som Wikileaks läckt, men redan nu finns det mycket att förfäras över i dem. Dessutom kommer kampen om Datalagringsdirektivet att hårdna. V och MP kommer att försöka […]
[…] Shared Cables: US driving Swedish Data Retention. […]
“The Justice Ministry, .. fully on board” – mitt förakt känner inga gränser. Justitiedepartementet är medborgarnas och frihetens dödsfiende. Allt de gör, säger, försöker genomföra. måste från och med nu misstänkas och avvisas om det rör frågor där medborgarna står emot immaterialrätten. Justitiedepartementet kan inte i något avseende som rör immaterialrätt ses som opartiska eller ens allsidiga. De har till 100% tagit parti för särintressen och främmande makt.
[…] Rick Falkvinge;s blogg: Cables: US driving Swedish Data Retention Cables: Swedish Govt Planning to Kill Messenger […]
[…] Stockholm 09-141 bekräftar det som Piratpartiet har sagt hela […]
[…] in den letzten Jahren der schwedischen Regierung von der der US-Botschaft diktiert worden sind. Rick Falkvinge von der schwedischen Piratenpartei bloggt darüber, dass es u.a. für ein Gesetz zur Durchsetzung von geistigen Monopolrechten und die (geplante?) […]
[…] Cables: US driving Swedish Data Retention | Rick Falkvinge (PP) […]
[…] net neutrality in Sweden. The #09STOCKHOLM141 cable that was put on interweb by Wikileaks reveals a puppet-like behaviour by the Swedish Government concerning these […]
Hittar inte telegrammet på wikileaks, har du någon länk?
WikiLeaks har inte publicerat telegrammet själva ännu. SVT har däremot publicerat delar av det.
The correct term for the “301 watch list” seems to be: “Special 301 Process” which is managed by the USTR.
Their latest report can be found here: http://www.ustr.gov/webfm_send/1906
The report shows that their are already several EU and OECD countries on the list; Canada, Finland, Greece, Italy, Norway and Spain
Think about these countries for a second. Have you heard the US government expressing that the relations between the US and these countries are strained? That there are trade sanctions or penalty VISA requirements for these countries because of minor IPR issues? No, of course not.
Swedish politicians totally lack balls and don’t understand that the US might bark at Sweden in secret meetings but that the US would hardly bite a fellow EU country over such a minor issue as this one (pharma prices and file sharing). Swedish politicians are total pushovers and wimps.
More info about the Special 301 Process:
[…] mitten av härvan finns diplomattelegrammet Stockholm 09-141, som rekommenderar att Sverige inte svartlistas av USA på den s.k. Special 301-listan, och […]
[…] mitten av härvan finns diplomattelegrammet Stockholm 09-141, som rekommenderar att Sverige inte svartlistas av USA på den s.k. Special 301-listan, och […]
The correct term for the “301 watch list” seems to be: “Special 301 Process” which is managed by the USTR.
Their latest report can be found here: http://www.ustr.gov/webfm_send/1906
The report shows that their are already several EU and OECD countries on the list; Canada, Finland, Greece, Italy, Norway and Spain
Think about these countries for a second. Have you heard the US government expressing that the relations between the US and these countries are strained? That there are trade sanctions or penalty VISA requirements for these countries because of minor IPR issues? No, of course not.
Swedish politicians totally lack balls and don’t understand that the US might bark at Sweden in secret meetings but that the US would hardly bite a fellow EU country over such a minor issue as this one (pharma prices and file sharing). Swedish politicians are total pushovers and wimps.
[…] mitten av härvan finns diplomattelegrammet Stockholm 09-141, som rekommenderar att Sverige inte svartlistas av USA på den s.k. Special 301-listan, och […]
[…] Falkvinge julkaisi tänään sähkeen WikiLeaksin pinoista, josta käy ilmi miten USAn hallitus on ilmeisesti suoraan tilannut Ruotsilta […]
[…] Stockholm 09-141 bekräftar det som Piratpartiet har sagt hela […]
Tänker man lite till så funderar man kanske vilka intressen som styr USA?
Presidenter kommer & går men rådgivarna med dubbla medborgarskap eller kopplingar till samma intressen är densamma.
The Obama Administration
David Axelrod (2009- ) Senior Advisor to the President
Jared Bernstein (2009- ) Chief Economist and Economic Policy Advisor to the Vice President
Rahm Emanuel (2009-2010) Chief of Staff
Lee Feinstein (2009) Campaign Foreign Policy Advisor
Gary Gensler (2009- ) Chair of the Commodity Futures Trading Commission
Elena Kagan (2009-2010) Solicitor General of the United States
Ronald Klain (2009- ) Chief of Staff to the Vice President
Jacob Lew (2010- ) Director of the Office of Management and Budget
Eric Lynn (2009- ) Middle East Policy Advisor
Peter Orszag (2009-2010) Director of the Office of Management and Budget
Dennis Ross (2009- ) Special Advisor for the Gulf and Southwest Asia to the Secretary of State
Mara Rudman (2009- ) Foreign Policy Advisor
Mary Schapiro (2009- ) Chair of the Securities and Exchange Commission
Dan Shapiro (2009- ) Head of Middle East desk at the National Security Council
Susan Sher (2009- ) First Lady’s Chief of Staff
James B. Steinberg (2009- ) Deputy Secretary of State
Lawrence Summers (2009- ) Director National Economic Council
Mona Sutphen (2009- ) Deputy White House Chief of Staff
Cabinet members and senior administration officials
* Judah Benjamin, Confederate States of America: Attorney General (1861), Secretary of War (1861), Secretary of State (1862–65)
* Oscar Straus, Secretary of Commerce and Labor (1906–09)
* Henry Morgenthau, Jr., Secretary of the Treasury (1934–45)
* Arthur J. Goldberg, Secretary of Labor (1961–1962)
* Abraham A. Ribicoff, Secretary of Health, Education and Welfare (1961–62)
* Walter W. Rostow, National Security Advisor (1966–69)
* Wilbur J. Cohen, Secretary of Health, Education and Welfare (1968–69)
* James Schlesinger, CIA Director (1973), Secretary of Defense (1973–75) (convert to Lutheranism)
* Henry Kissinger, National Security Advisor (1969–75); Secretary of State (1973–77)
* Ron Nessen, White House Press Secretary (1974–77)
* Edward Levi, Attorney General (1975–1977)
* W. Michael Blumenthal, Secretary of the Treasury (1977–79)
* Harold Brown, Secretary of Defense (1977–81)
* Neil Goldschmidt, Secretary of Transportation (1979–1981)
* Philip Morris Klutznick, Secretary of Commerce (1980–1981)
* Caspar Weinberger, Secretary of Defense (1981–87) (Episcopalian; paternal descendant of Czech Jews)
* Richard Perle, U.S. Assistant Secretary of Defense (1981–1987),
* Kenneth Duberstein, White House Chief of Staff (1988–1989)
* Richard Darman[citation needed], Director of the Office of Management and Budget (1989–93) (convert to Episcopalianism)
* Robert Reich, Secretary of Labor (1993–97)
* Alice M. Rivlin[citation needed], Director of Office of Management and Budget (1994–96)
* John M. Deutch, Belgian-born CIA director (1995–96)
* Robert Rubin, Secretary of the Treasury (1995–99)
* Dan Glickman, Secretary of Agriculture (1995–2001)
* Mickey Kantor, Secretary of Commerce (1996–97)
* Madeleine Albright, Secretary of State (1997–01) (raised Catholic by adoptive parents)
* William S. Cohen, Secretary of Defense (1997-01) (Jewish father; lists self as Unitarian Universalist)
* Sandy Berger, National Security Advisor (1997–01)
* Larry Summers, Secretary of the Treasury (1999–01)
* Jacob Lew, Director of Office of Management and Budget (1999–2001)
* Leon Fuerth, National Security Advisor to Vice President Al Gore (1993–2001)
* Ari Fleischer, White House Press Secretary (2001–03)
* Elliott Abrams, Special Assistant to the President (2001–2005), Deputy National Security Advisor for Global Democracy Strategy (2005–2008)
* Paul Dundes Wolfowitz, U.S. Deputy Secretary of Defense (2001–2005)
* Douglas J. Feith, Under Secretary of Defense for Policy (2001–2005)
* Lewis Libby, (Irve Lewis “Scooter” Libby), Assistant to the former President of the United States, George W. Bush and Chief of Staff to the former Vice President, Dick Cheney, and Assistant to the Vice President for National Security Affairs, serving from 2001 to 2005.
* Victoria Nuland, U.S. Permanent Representative to NATO (2005–2008)
* Michael Chertoff, Secretary for Homeland Security (2005–2009)
* Joshua Bolten, Director of Office of Management and Budget (2003–06); White House Chief of Staff (2006–2009)
* Michael Mukasey, Attorney General (2007–2009)
Monica Lewinsky kan man väl kalla för nåt annat.. tips.. ett gammalt yrke
Eller i klartext, som Ariel Sharon sa
we, the Jewish people control America, and the Americans know it.
Han fick lite smisk för säga sanningen..
Peres and other cabinet ministers warned Sharon against saying what he said in public because “it would cause us a public relations disaster.”
[…] jag kan komma på många andra saker att säga men just nu föredrar jag att lämna ordet till Rick falkvinge, Piratpartiets partiledare, som har skrivit texten som […]
[…] vidare här, här, här och […]
[…] http://rickfalkvinge.se/2010/12/22/cables-us-driving-swedish-data-retention/ This entry was posted in Uncategorized. Bookmark the permalink. ← Aloitin vaalityöni, ääntä kuuluviin […]
[…] Swedish data retention laws driven by US […]
[…] a March 2009 cable from the US State Department, the US embassy pushed the Swedish Justice Minister to present a […]
[…] El Gobierno de Estados Unidos está impulsando la creación de un Gran Hermano en Suecia, incluyendo draconianas medidas de retención de datos, a fin de combatir hasta las infracciones más leves de los derechos de autor en nombre de los intereses estadounidenses. Esto es tan maloliente y repugnante que francamente no sé por dónde empezar. – Rick Falkvinge […]
[…] to razume, kot kažejo nedavne depeše objavljene na Wikileaks. Ameriška ambasada je zdaj zadovoljna s prizadevanji švedskih pravosodnih organov v preganjanju […]
[…] cable leaked by WikiLeaks just before Christmas outlined a checklist given to the Swedish government with demands from the US […]
Så…börja här gott folk…Voila! 😀
Kap 10, paragraf 2.
Vad tänker vinudaa? 😀
RT @Falkvinge: BREAKING: Cables show that the United States have been driving the Swedish Data Retention law. http://bit.ly/gFxjyr #infopolicy
Cables: US driving Swedish Data Retention http://ow.ly/44Qyc
[…] cablogramma pubblicato da Wikileaks poco prima di Natale presentava una lista consegnata al governo svedese con una serie di richieste […]
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